Random Acts of Kindness
I don’t know about you but I love giving. At Christmas, I get more joy from watching what I have given than I do from receiving. Don’t get me wrong, I love getting presents but if I could only do one, I would choose to give.
But a true act of kindness is when it is totally unexpected. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” Aesop
There have been so many acts of kindness since the pandemic with people going above and beyond to help out, to make someone feel loved or special. This kindness that is all around us brightens our day and makes these difficult days just a little bit more manageable.
It reminds me of the many acts of kindness Tom received and how shocked he was to receive them. One stands out that came from his friend George’s dad, Pete. Tom had had quite a lot of press photos wearing a Superdry t-shirt. He loved Superdry. Anyway, Pete contacted the retailer and told them Tom’s story not expecting them to respond. Imagine everyone’s shock and surprise when two large parcels arrived with a whole range of clothes for Tom. That act of kindness instigated by Pete made Tom so happy. Actually, he was beyond happy. Everywhere he went he told people the story of the act of kindness he had received.
All Tom could say was ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ and ‘Why would anyone do this for me?’
I think what we forget though is that not only do the acts of kindness bring joy to the receiver, but they spread positive reactions to the giver too. To know you have made such a difference to someone’s mental well-being gives you such a good feeling. Every act of kindness creates a ripple effect across the community.
There are many ways we can do nice things for people, paying for their coffee in a queue; dropping off food to those in need; send a card to someone you haven’t seen in a while or simply smile as you pass someone in the street.
We shouldn’t need an awareness day to do nice things. Our TBF supporters make random acts of kindness all the time: they will donate money; spare change; cut off their hair; complete mad challenges; all for people they have never met and are not likely to. But the difference made to these young people will go on to impact the rest of their lives. I remember once, a lovely, elderly lady came up to us at a bucket collection and handed us a £5 note. She proudly told us that she always has a spare £5 left at the end of the month and she wanted to give it all to the Foundation. That was every spare penny she had and it meant the world to her to be able to give it. What a beautiful and heartwarming gesture.
let us all try to remember that “kind words and actions can seem so small, but their effects are truly endless” (Unknown)