About us
Meet The Team
As a charitable foundation we have two teams working together to achieve the foundations aims:
The Administration Team who keep the lights on, and the Trustees who are the people who share ultimate responsibility for governing a charity and directing how it is managed and run.
Chief Executive Officer
Nikki is Tom’s Mum. She is co-founder of the Foundation and acts as the Chief Executive Officer. Nikki has been a primary school teacher at Heathlands Primary School for 7 years and sat on the Governing Body for 12 years where her responsibilities were primarily on the Curriculum and Personnel committees. During the 13 months of Tom’s treatment, Nikki worked with Tom on his fundraising efforts, helping him to raise over £170,000. She learnt of his vision and ambitions for the future direction of his charitable work and promised him that she would ensure his wishes were carried out.
Lindsay Hurrell
Fundraising Lead
Lindsay joined The Tom Bowdidge Youth Cancer Foundation in January 2021 having spent the past 17 years working in the charity sector for some of the big national charities and then more recently for smaller charities. She is passionate about working in the charity sector and for the Foundation and has brought some new ideas and experience with her. Her role involves touching on all aspects of fundraising including some marketing. Having been touched by cancer in her family she understands how important the Foundation is when supporting teenagers and young adults and their families living with cancer.
Anita Osborn
Office Administrator
Anita works in the office once a week providing support for the administrative and finance functions required by the Foundation. She is also a regular volunteer on the stand and at events.
Richard Bowdidge
Richard Bowdidge is Tom’s Father and Founder of The Tom Bowdidge Youth Cancer Foundation. He is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and takes an active role in the management of the Foundation as well as developing and implementing the strategic vision alongside the Chief Executive Officer and the rest of the Board.
In addition, Richard takes an active part in managing and creating fundraising opportunities, including events and especially corporate partnerships.
Richard works for a Lloyd’s insurance broker in London and is responsible for the management of a specialist team advising corporate clients on their complex insurance requirements. He has worked in the insurance market for some 30 years. Richard has recently taken on the role of Colchester Ambassador.
While Tom was ill, Richard alongside Nikki, supported him in his fundraising efforts and now takes an enthusiastic part in driving Tom’s vision forward to ensure The Foundation adheres to these founding principles.
Nicci Walmsley
Nicci has been a Trustee of the Foundation since it was formed and has a successful background in fundraising including raising funds for the Royal National Institute of the Blind for 15 years and in her role as Head of Community Fundraising & National Events at the British Red Cross where she led a team of around 50 people. Nicci holds the Certificate in Fundraising Management.
Megan Osborn
Megan is 24 years old and our newest trustee. She loves getting creative and organising which is an asset to our team. Megan has experience working in the private and public sectors in various administrative roles and currently works in the public sector in London. Megan is a similar age to Tom and this inspired her to become involved in volunteering for the Foundation and later became a Trustee to assist in bringing Tom’s vision to life. The board of trustees have embraced having young blood on the board and look forward to working with Megan.
Kirk Wells
Kirk is 48 years old, is married to wife Jodie and has 3 teenage sons. His professional career has centred around providing support and education for people with learning difficulties and disabilities. He set up his first company PALS Ltd in 2006 which provides bespoke 1 to 1 support for people with learning difficulties and disabilities to live their lives to the fullest. After working as the Head of department for Special Needs provision at Epping Forest College, Kirk realised that there was a distinct lack of consistent support which crossed the threshold of social care and education.
Kirk learnt about Tom’s story from when his wife Jodie worked with Nikki at the time that Tom was diagnosed. He has always been in awe of Nikki and Richard and the way that that they took such a tragic event and turned it into something, in Tom’s name that continues to benefit so many people, going through such difficult times, despite it invariably serving as a constant reminder of what they themselves went through. He was honoured to have been invited to become a Trustee in 2023 and looks forward to assisting the charity in any and every way possible.